Preach My Gospel, pg. 176
"The Spirit is the most important single element in this work.
With the Spirit magnifying your call, you can do miracles for the Lord
in the mission field. Without the Spirit, you will never succeed
regardless of your talent and ability."
--Ezra Taft Benson, 25 June 1986
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Taranto Zone - October 2014 |
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The messages in zone conference were based on chapter 10 in Preach My Gospel that helps the missionaries improve their teaching skills. The zone leaders and sister training leader invited some ward missionaries to the conference to assist with their presentation. We love having stake, ward, and mission leaders come to zone conference. It helps them understand ways we can assist them in missionary work.
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Preach My Gospel - page 176
The following suggestions will help you invite the Spirit as
you teach:
--Use the scriptures.
--Bear testimony.
--Share experiences.
--Express love for the Lord and for others.
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Preach My Gospel - pages 176-177
Each person we teach has personal challenges and
concerns. No matter what your needs or
concerns might be, the Savior and His teachings—the gospel—will help you.
Our message will enable you to improve the quality of your
lives. It will help you deal with the
problems and challenges we all face in life.
We all make mistakes in life, and these mistakes create
feelings of guilt and shame. These
feelings cannot be relieved without repentance and forgiveness. They can be fully healed through the
Atonement of Christ.
We have weaknesses, as everyone does. We may not speak the language very well or be
able to answer every question you have.
But we have been called by a prophet of God to share what we know. We know that our message is true.
We will be guides so that you can learn the truth of our
message for yourselves. It is your
choice to accept and act on the message.
Therefore, you should feel free to ask questions.
As you accept our message, you will learn how to make
covenants, or promises, with God. You
will learn how to make changes to bring your lives in closer harmony with His
teachings. You will want to follow the
teachings of Jesus Christ and be baptized by proper authority (see John 3:5).
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Preach My Gospel - page 177
Pray for the gift of discernment, and pay attention to thoughts that
come to your mind or feelings you have about what to teach.
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We had all the missionaries make bead bracelets again. Because our mission motto is "Bee the best you can bee!", I loved it when one of the elders said "I will 'bead the best I can bead!'"
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Beginning Testimony |
Beginning Testimony |
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Beginning Testimony |
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