January 6, 2015
You go to a gelateria to buy gelato, a pasticeria to buy pastries, and a frutteria to buy fruit. Using this logic, President always says you must go to Bagheria to buy a bag. (That isn't the case, but it always sounds fun. Bagheria is actually the name of the city. We have two missionaries serving there.) As we were driving from Palermo to Catania we drove by Bagheria and since we'd never been there before, we stopped and bought a "bag", which wasn't easy because it was Epiphany Day and almost everything was closed.
This is such a typical scene in Italy. |
Maybe this is why it's called "bag"heria. |
I need for my son, Anziano Angelo Ferrin to know that we are conducting a Family Fast in behalf of my son-in-law Adrian Paul Gonzales
ReplyDeletetomorrow (breakfast & lunch or lunch & dinner/supper). Adrian is in the hospital. The heart that is being donated is a match. Anziano Ferrin's 2 older brothers Tommy & Jeremiah & thier step dad Vaughn Bradley are going to administer to Adrian this evening. We want Anziano Ferrin to know this very important event in all our lives. His brother-in-law is only 38 years old. He & my daughter Kera have 5 children, a son serving in the Benin Cotonou Mission in Africa, a 13 year old son, & 3 daughters ages 6, 8 & 10. Please let Anziano Ferrin know what is going on. Thank you so much. Sister Delberta Bradley (Anziano Ferrin's mother), 1-801-602-9409 is my cell if you want to call me.
My email address is delberta.bradley@gmail.com