Monday, January 27, 2014

Hymn of Malta

Malta  Mosta District Conference
Janaury 25-26, 2014

Malta Branch Saturday Night Meeting

It was an historic meeting for the tiny branch in Malta.  Never before had a Branch Conference been held on the island.  One of the members is a composer and wrote a song in Maltese specifically for this conference.  It talks about the restoration.  We sang it in the Saturday and Sunday meetings.  I asked the composer for permission to put it on my blog and then asked if he would translate it for me.

Malta is a tiny island in the middle of the sea.  The people speak Maltese, which is a language no one else in the world speaks.  Most people speak some English, but it's a difficult transition for our missionaries who have just learned Italian to suddenly be thrust into the Maltese culture.  None of them truly grasp the language.  Maltese isn't taught at the MTC so it's on the job learning.  The Maltese members say it is difficult because once a missionary can finally communicate a little, he gets transferred.  No sisters currently serve on the island although the members are begging to get some.  That's a decision left up to the Lord.

The tiny branch struggles.   We have been told the Catholic church basically controls everything on the island.  To quote one of the members "Malta is more Catholic than the Pope."  This makes it difficult for members of the church since the schools are also controlled by them.  Add to that the fact that the Book of Mormon has not yet been transcribed into Maltese and it makes the situation even harder.   There is only one branch on the entire island and meetings are held in an old villa with many stairs and no elevator.  Several of the members are old and can't make it up the steps so they just don't come to church.  A lot of members have gone inactive.  The active ones are hanging in there even though it's difficult. 

Some of the members are living in Malta because of work and never stay very long.  The Branch President and his wife are originally from England and are serving and trying to maintain the status quo.  They are great people, who are fairly inexperienced in leadership, but they are the most qualified to lead.  The branch doesn't hold counsel meeting and has never been given any formal instruction or guidance.  Our purpose was to establish some goals and help them become enthused about missionary work.  With so many older people with severe challenges, the only way to improve the situation and grow the church is to baptize new younger converts.  We talked a lot about having faith and assisting the missionaries.  President Kimball's slogan was "Every member a missionary" and we encouraged them to follow his counsel. 

The missionaries were diligent in creating enthusiam for the meeting.  They delivered invitations to all the active and inactive members and invited some non-members.  Some of the members who hadn't been to church in a long time were there.  Even a couple of investigators were there.  The spirit was strong in that meeting.  Hopefully, they will keep that feeling with them and carry on the work of the Lord.   
Dawl I-Ahhar Jiem
(These Latter Days)
By:  Martin de Carlo
Martin de Carlo

F'dawn l-ahhar jiem kien imbassar
(In these latter-days, as it was prophecied)
Alla restawra il-Knisja Tieghu
(God restored His church)
Permezz ta' tfajjel it-twajjeb Joseph
(Through a young man named Joseph)
Li lilu sejjah bhala Profeta
(Whom He called as a Prophet)

Hu gie maghzul biex jirrestawra l-vera
(He was chosen to restore the true church)
Tal-Mulej taghna, Gesu Kristu
(Of our Lord Jesus Christ)
Hu nghata wkoll l-imfietah kollha necessarji
(He was given also all the necessary keys,)
l-awtorita Alla fid-dinja
(God's authority on earth)

Joseph intaghlab biex jittraduci
(Joseph was asked to translate)
Skrittura sagra u ferm antika
(A sacred and ancient Scripture)
Testimonjanza tas-sejha tieghu
(Testimony of his calling)
Bhala l-Profeta ta' zminijietna
(As the Prophet of our time)

Il-Ktieb ta' Mormon hu Testament iehor ta' Kristu
(The Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ)
Jurina t-triq tas-salvazzjoni
(It shows us the way to salvation)
Gie ppreservat ghal dawn il-jiem, ghalik w ghalija
(It was preserved for our time, for you and me)

Ghal din l-ahhar dispensazzjoni
(In this last dispensation)

Missionaries singing hymn
Lunch after church


  1. I'm so glad you posted this today because you were just telling me this story when our phone call got dropped. What an amazing story! We will pray for the Malta branch!

  2. Praying this reaches you in time. My name is Edward ( am 91, a little deaf so need written communication. Am coming from England on 2nd Oct. foe a week and need to attend church on the sabbath.Can you, as my last hope, give me Pres DeCarlo's email address so we can arrange a meeting please. I've explored every other possibility. Do help me.

  3. My address may have changed to FLLAGMANTED ( 2 L's)
