Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sardegna Specialized Training

December 20, 2013

Sardegna seems so far away.  The missionaries serving there always seem so glad to see us and I know we are very glad to see them.  We don't have a senior couple serving in Sardegna so we always pray that they are alright.  One of the counselors in the mission presidency lives in Cagliari and he loves the missionaries and I know they love him and his family, too.  That's a very comforting feeling to know they are there if ever they are needed.

It's a real pain for us to have to take the ferry and deliver all the supplies and Christmas presents, but they really appreciate it and that makes it all worthwhile.  Having access to a car has it's advantages because we are able to spend more time with them and do scambi's and go to appointments with them.  While we were in Oristano, we went with the missionaries to teach a lesson.  We love to participate with them and I think they like us being with them.  When we first arrived in the mission, I think some of the missionaries were intimidated when we went with them.  Now, they look forward to it and want to know when it's their turn.

Sardegna was the final zone before Christmas.  We did the nativity play with them and I was grateful to still have all the costumes in tact.  It's funny how reticent they were to give up the donkey ears and the angel's halos.  We will do something different next year because we will have a lot of the same missionaries but we will definitely do it again in two years.  It's probably my favorite thing we have done since we have been here.

We wished them each a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and left with a promise that we would be back to see them in six weeks.  In the meantime, transfers will be coming up soon and some of them might not be there anymore.  Maybe they will be in Rome where we might see them more often. 

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are fun mission Presidents. I am sure the young missionaries love you.
