Sunday, June 8, 2014

Palermo Specialized Training

June 3, 2014

Missionaries are always looking for new ways to find people to teach.  Family history is another tool they can use.  We did role play to help them better develop their ability to talk about their families and lead that conversation into a way to talk about the gospel.

Preach My Gospel, page 163
Family history or genealogy provides another way you can find people to teach.  Family history is now one of the most widespread hobbies in the world.  The Spirit of Elijah is influencing millions of people throughout the world to search for their ancestors.  Many desire a stronger connection with their extended family.  This can lead to a desire to find a connection and identify with God's family.

One of our newest missionaries in his beginning testimony as a missionary said "We are here to "bee" what Jesus would "bee" if he were here."  Profound!  It was a beautiful comment and he unknowingly used the "bee" word and we have a real fondness for anything about bee's in the mission.

While I was on the bus in  Palermo, I got pick-pocketed and my wallet with my permesso, and driver's license, and credit cards was stolen.  It must have been a well planned operation because within minutes charges were made on the credit card.  We always tell the missionaries to be extremely cautious, but sometimes even being cautious isn't enough.  It's an inconvenience, but eventually everything will be replaced and life will go on as usual.  The good thing is that nobody was injured.  Bad things happen to good people.  What is important is how we handle the situation.

Beginning Testimony


  1. Oh no, sorry you got pick pocketed. Hopefully you didn't lose too much.

  2. Sweet as honey. Good job little bees!
