Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Christmas Gifts

September 17, 2013



Christmas is just around the corner.  I know that many parents are concerned about what to send their son or daughter who is serving here on a mission.  I don't want to tell you you can or can't send a package to your missionaries.  I do want to let you know some of the challenges.

Your package may or may not get to the missionary.  The mail system can be very sketchy here.  Sometimes packages make it.  Sometimes they don't.  Sometimes packages have been opened and then returned to sender.  Sometimes they are opened and then delivered at the mission office.  If the package finally makes it here, it can be held at customs for a long time.  If customs decides the contents are valuable, they can charge exorbitant fees to release it.  The missionaries are required to pay the fee.  Many times the fee is greater than the value of the package.  To complicate the matter, once the package finally arrives at the mission home, we try to deliver it at the next zone conference.  Sometimes it's impossible to take large packages because we have to fly to three of the zones that are on islands.  Tiny packages aren't too bad if we don't have a ton of supplies to take with us.  Large packages are always problematic.  At Christmastime it's nearly impossible to take 30 packages on an airplane.  This is just some of the challenges we face.

As I have talked to the missionaries, without exception, they have told me it's fun to receive a package from home but they would rather have money put on their cards so they can buy the souvenirs they want from Italy.  Many of the things that are sent to them are left behind in their apartment on transfer day because they don't have room for them in their luggage.  Many of the things that are lovingly sent to them are available in Italy and they don't have to pay custom fees.  If you do send something, it is best to put something small in a padded envelop.  That method seems to be more successful

Hopefully this information will help you decide what to do for Christmas.  The one thing I do encourage you to do is send a letter telling your missionary how much you love them, how proud you are of them, and that you are praying for them.  That's the best gift any child can receive.


  1. Better to know than waste money and time.

  2. Glad to know as this also let's your children know what to expect also.
