Sunday, July 28, 2013


July 28, 2013

We rely heavily on our Tom, Tom navigational unit.  If we just trusted ourselves to get where we need to be, we'd never make it.  Even with the Tom, Tom, we find ourselves lost quite often.  We don't understand what she is saying or we realize too late that we should have taken the turn we just missed.  We usually wind up where we need to be, but even when we leave early, we're often late.  Even today we were late for church.  We couldn't get the Tom, Tom to recognize our location and even when we got that issue resolved, she wouldn't speak to us.  Finally Michael said "I hate the silent treatment."  I suggested we pull over to the side of the road and recheck everything and reset the voice.  Ecco!  It worked perfectly.  She started giving us verbal directions and we were able to drive the rest of the way without incident.  Unfortunately, when she said we had reached our destination, we couldn't find the church.  It was around the corner and about a block away.  We called the missionaries and they were right there to rescue us.

It was a really good feeling to finally reach our destination.

Life is a lot like using a Tom, Tom.  We often lose our way.  It takes someone with a bigger picture to help us find the way.  Even with guidance, sometimes we lose our way and we have to stop and re-examine where we are and where we are headed.  We have to ask for help and then be willing to follow directions.  Even when we think we have done everything we need to, there's still one more thing we have to do.  The scriptures tell us "Blessed is he that endureth to the end."  It's wise counsel that we should always remember.

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