Sunday, July 28, 2013


July 27, 2013

Eventually it gets to the point where we have to take care of such mundane and worldly things as getting haircuts.

Guido owns the hair salon just down the street.  When Michael had his hair cut, he kept telling them not to get it too short.  The response was that it didn't matter because he was tall.  He kept asking what that had to do with it.   Evidently short is all they know.  Because of the language barrier, I was at the mercy of whatever Michael told them.  He assures me he told them everything I said.  From the very first snip of the scissors and the weird little smile on Michael's face, I knew I was destined for short, too.  I was right.  Guido said my head was shaped wrong and he had to cut my hair to fix the shape of my head.  Whatever!